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  3. Nature・Art・Science
  4. プラネタリウムに行きました


 今日の話ではないんですよね。5月 11日の木曜日のお話なのですが、『そうだ、東京行こう!』ってふと思って、お仕事もお休みだったのですが、早起きしたんですよね。そしてテレビをつけたら千葉県で地震があったというニュースが…。新幹線は一部区間で徐行運転をしているようですが、運行はしているとのこと。でも、さすがにそんな日に特にこれという用があるわけでもないのに関東方面に行くのは厳しいよな…と思って、諦めました。


 誰かが立っているところを撮るという感じのコーナーだったようですが、ぼっちなのでブラックホール ( ? ) だけですが…。
 そして、この日私が見たプラネタリウムの特別プログラムというかテーマはブラックホールを見た日でした。実際にブラックホールを視覚的に見ることはできないわけですが、2年か 3年ぐらい前にニュースにもなっていたと思いますが、赤外線なのか電波なのか、ブラックホールの周囲を映し出すことによってその中にブラックホールがあるということがわかったという…、なんか違うような気もしますが、そんな感じでブラックホールを見たということでした。
 展示場は何年かぶりでしたが、プラネタリウムは今年 2回目ですね。前回訪れたときもそうでしたが、睡魔にちょっと負けた時間がありました。無念。
※  ※  ※  ※

Note: Including this red text, the following text is a translation of the Japanese article above, done by ChatGPT. There may be parts that have a different meaning in the translation. I apologize for any such instances.

This isn’t about today’s story. It’s about Thursday, May 11th. I suddenly thought, “Let’s go to Tokyo!” and since I had the day off from work, I woke up early. When I turned on the TV, there was news about an earthquake in Chiba Prefecture. The Shinkansen (bullet train) seems to be operating with reduced speed in certain sections, but it’s still running. However, considering there wasn’t any particular reason for me to go to the Kanto region on a day like that, I thought it would be tough… so I gave up on the idea.

So, since I had the rare opportunity to go out on a day off from work, I decided to go to the Osaka Science Museum and watch the planetarium show, which I hadn’t done in a long time.

I arrived early, so I had some time before the planetarium show started. I decided to visit the exhibition hall, which I hadn’t done in a very long time. However, places like this aren’t as enjoyable when you’re alone… I figured taking photos would probably be prohibited, so I didn’t take any pictures of the exhibition hall. But there was one spot where they said, “Feel free to take a photo,” so I took one as a memento.

It seems there was a corner where someone was standing and you could take a photo, but since I was alone, it ended up being just the black hole (?). And the special program or theme of the planetarium show I saw that day was about seeing a black hole. You can’t actually visually see a black hole, but I believe it was in the news about two or three years ago that they were able to detect the presence of a black hole by imaging its surroundings using either infrared or radio waves… It feels somewhat different, but that’s how I experienced seeing a black hole.

It had been several years since I last visited the exhibition hall, but this was my second time at the planetarium this year. Just like the previous visit, I had a moment where I succumbed to drowsiness. It was regrettable.

藤島 士半

酒とギャンブルに溺れる、関西にひっそりと生息する 50代のおっさんです。

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