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  4. 月、変な ( ? ) 天体

月、変な ( ? ) 天体


(写真 左:表側、右:裏側)

 地球から見るといつも同じ面しか見せていないのですが、いまでは月の反対側も写真に収められるのですね。便宜上 ( ? ) 地球から見える面を表面 ( 表側 ) と呼んでいますが、こうして写真を見ると、地球から見えない面、便宜上 ( ? ) 裏面 ( 裏側 ) に比べると表面の方が美しく見えますね。あくまでも個人の感想となりますが。
 この月、太陽系を見渡すとかなり異質というか不思議な星のようですね。まずよく言われているのが地球の大きさに比べると月は大きいということです。そして月の大きさは地球のだいたい 4分の 1、地球の(赤道)半径は6371km(直径1万2742km)、月の半径は1737.5km(直径3475km)だそうです。4分の 1よりは大きいですが、大雑把におよそ 4分の 1とよく言われます。そして、地球と太陽の大きさの比較ですが、太陽の直径(赤道直径)は約139万2000kmで、地球の約109倍、ものすごく大雑把に太陽は地球のおよそ 100倍と言われることもありますね。そして太陽と月を比べると、ざっくり書くと太陽は月のおよそ 400倍となるそうです。
 さて、少し太陽のことも話題にしましたが、太陽と地球の距離はおよそ 150,000,000km。月と地球の距離はおよそ 380,000km。この距離の差ですが、太陽と地球の距離は月と地球の距離のおよそ 400倍となります。この 2つの星の大きさと地球からの距離が絶妙 ( ? ) で、地球から見ると太陽と月は同じような大きさに見えます。もっとも太陽を中心にまわる公転軌道は真円ではなくわずかに楕円ですが、距離がかなりあるので年間で太陽を見てもサイズがそんなに変わったように見える日はないかと思いますが、月も真円ではなくやや楕円軌道で地球のまわりをまわっていますので、年間を通して見る日によってじわずかですが大きく見える時や小さく見える時もあると思います。実際にスーパームーンと呼ばれる日もありますから…。
 話が逸れてしまいましたが、日食の時に皆既日食や金環日食が起きるのも太陽と地球、月と地球の距離と太陽と月の大きさが絶妙だからですね。これも月は都合が良い星というか人工衛星なのではと言われる理由の 1つになっているようです。
 最近になって月には水が存在していることも明らかとなっているようですし、核融合炉の燃料に使われるヘリウム3 というものが地球上に比べて月に豊富にあるらしいということもわかって、月は地球のエネルギー問題や地球から他の星へ移住するテラフォーミングの足掛かりとしても注目されています。
 もともとあったのでしょうけれども、もしかしたらですが、地球でいろいろな問題が起きて、いま地球で一番有力なエネルギーといえば電力でしょうが、その電力を作るのに、火力発電はゆくゆくは資源の枯渇問題もありますが、喫緊では二酸化炭素の増加による地球温暖化が心配されていますし、原子力発電は放射能汚染の危険が付きまとうので、できることなら避けたい発電ということで、いま世界でも注目される核融合炉による発電、まだまだ人類はその発電を実用化できるレベルには遠いとはいえ、そういうものが注目され研究や開発が進められている中で、月に水があるとかヘリウム3 があるということが発見されたのは、人知の及ばないところで、そっと月に人類の進歩に合わせて、タイミングを見計らって用意してくれたのではないかと思えるほどです。そう考えると月が人工衛星だというのも納得してしえそうです。
 ただ私の個人の見解としては、月は人工物というよりは、もともと何処かにあった天然の星を持ってきたか何かで、星自体は大部分が天然素材ですが、人類を超える知的生命体によって地球の生命が誕生し育まれるのを補助するために人工的な手を加えてきた星なのでは? と考えてしまいます。人類が受け入れられやすいように、月の大きさを考えて地球から見て太陽と同じぐらいの大きさに見える位置に地球から月の軌道をいまの距離に設定して配置したのではないかと思ってしまいます。

Including this green text, the following text is a translation of the Japanese article above, done by Using an Internet translation service. There may be parts that have a different meaning in the translation. I apologize for any such instances.

Moon, strange (?) celestial body.

The sun is at the center of the solar system, and the stars that orbit around it are called planets. The stars that orbit around planets are called moons. The moon is the Earth’s moon, and it has been loved, feared, and respected by people since ancient times. The moon is a mysterious celestial body, and it is often said to be an artificial satellite in urban legends.

( Photo: Left – Front side, Right – Back side )

The moon always shows the same side to Earth, but now we can take pictures of the opposite side as well. We conveniently call the side that is visible from Earth the “surface”, but when we look at the pictures, the “surface” looks more beautiful than the “back side” that we cannot see from Earth. This is just my personal opinion, of course.

The exact process of how the Moon was formed still remains unclear. However, the most widely accepted theory is the Giant Impact hypothesis, which suggests that during the formation of the Earth or shortly after its formation when the Earth’s surface was still hot, a larger celestial body collided with the Earth, causing fragments of the Earth to scatter and gather around the collided body, eventually forming the Moon as we know it today. There are other theories as well, so the birth of the Moon remains a mystery for now…

When we look at the Moon in the solar system, it appears quite distinct or rather mysterious. One notable aspect often mentioned is its size compared to the Earth. The Moon’s size is approximately one-fourth that of the Earth, with the Earth’s equatorial radius measuring 6,371 km (diameter of 12,742 km), while the Moon’s radius is 1,737.5 km (diameter of 3,475 km). It is larger than one-fourth but is commonly referred to as roughly one-fourth. Comparing the sizes of the Earth and the Sun, the Sun has a diameter (equatorial diameter) of about 1.392 million km, approximately 109 times that of the Earth. Some describe the Sun as roughly 100 times the size of the Earth. When comparing the Sun and the Moon, in rough terms, the Sun is about 400 times larger than the Moon.

Now, let’s discuss the Sun a little. The distance between the Sun and the Earth is approximately 150 million kilometers, while the distance between the Moon and the Earth is about 380,000 kilometers. The difference in these distances means that the distance between the Sun and the Earth is roughly 400 times that between the Moon and the Earth. The sizes of these two celestial bodies and their distances from the Earth are finely balanced, to the point where the Sun and the Moon appear to be similar in size when viewed from Earth. Although the orbit around the Sun is slightly elliptical rather than perfectly circular, the distance is significant enough that there are hardly any noticeable changes in size when observing the Sun throughout the year. Similarly, the Moon also orbits the Earth in a slightly elliptical path, so there are subtle variations in its apparent size depending on the day when viewed throughout the year. In fact, there are even days known as “Supermoon” when the Moon appears larger.

I digressed a bit, but the occurrence of total solar eclipses and annular solar eclipses during solar eclipses is due to the perfect alignment of the sizes of the Sun and the Moon and the distances between the Earth and the Sun and between the Earth and the Moon. This is considered one of the reasons why the Moon is often regarded as a conveniently placed celestial body or even an artificial satellite.

Nowadays, there are plans for manned missions to the moon, and the moon is once again in the spotlight. While life on Earth greatly benefits from the Sun, it is said that without the moon, life as we know it may not have originated. Therefore, the moon is an indispensable presence for Earth, or rather, for humanity.

It has recently become clear that water exists on the moon, and it is also known that the moon has a plentiful supply of Helium-3, which is used as fuel in fusion reactors, compared to Earth. Because of these discoveries, the moon is attracting attention as a potential solution to Earth’s energy problems and as a stepping stone for terraforming and human migration to other planets.

It may have existed from the beginning, but perhaps, considering the various issues occurring on Earth, electricity is currently the most prominent form of energy. However, there are concerns about the depletion of resources in the long run for thermal power generation, and the increasing carbon dioxide emissions causing global warming. Nuclear power, on the other hand, comes with the risk of radiation contamination, making it an undesirable option if possible. As a result, there is a growing global focus on nuclear fusion as a power source. Although humanity is still far from practical implementation, research and development in this field are progressing. In the midst of such advancements, the discovery of water and helium-3 on the moon, in a realm beyond our knowledge, feels as though it was silently prepared in accordance with humanity’s progress. This perspective lends credibility to the notion that the moon is an artificial satellite.

As my personal viewpoint, rather than considering the moon as an artificial object, I tend to think of it as a natural celestial body that was originally located somewhere else and brought here, or perhaps altered by an intelligent extraterrestrial life form to assist in the birth and nurturing of life on Earth. While the majority of the moon is composed of natural materials, it is possible that artificial interventions were made to ensure its size is perceivable by humanity. I find myself contemplating whether the moon’s orbit was intentionally positioned at its current distance from Earth, appearing roughly the same size as the Sun from Earth’s perspective, in order to be more easily accepted by humankind.

If we consider the moon as an artificially placed celestial body brought from elsewhere, then any discrepancy in the timing of Earth’s and the moon’s formation would not be a problem. Even if the moon did not exist in the past, it would simply be a matter of discussing a time before the moon was placed in its current position.

While it is natural or even convincing to consider the moon as an artificial satellite, if it were actually an artificially placed or positioned celestial body, it brings about a slight sense of fear when contemplating what kind of life form and for what purpose it was placed there. As an urban legend, there are also tales of humans already residing on Mars, but officially, the moon remains the only celestial body that humanity has ventured beyond Earth. Therefore, as humans potentially spend extended periods of time on the lunar surface in the future, we can expect the mysteries of the moon to be further unraveled and explored.

Please note that in the previous text, expressions such as “seen from Earth” were used when referring to observing the moon and the sun. However, I would like to emphasize that you should never directly observe the sun with your naked eyes. When viewing the sun, please use appropriate protective gear such as solar glasses. Even wearing sunglasses is not sufficient protection and looking at the sun without proper precautions is dangerous. Additionally, even when using solar glasses or similar methods, please avoid prolonged viewing. The moon, on the other hand, appears to shine due to the reflection of sunlight. Unlike the sun, it can be observed with the naked eye, but it is advisable to avoid direct viewing if possible. If you do observe the moon directly, limit the duration of your observation. Never look directly at the sun under any circumstances, and do not rely on inadequate measures like wearing sunglasses. Furthermore, try to avoid direct viewing of the moon as much as possible. Even if you happen to look at the moon directly, refrain from prolonged observation. I take no responsibility for any eye damage or, in the worst-case scenario, blindness that may occur as a result of directly viewing the sun or the moon without proper observation equipment. Even when using appropriate instruments, avoid prolonged viewing. If you experience any discomfort or physical symptoms related to your eyes or overall well-being, please cease observing the sun or the moon immediately.

藤島 士半

酒とギャンブルに溺れる、関西にひっそりと生息する 50代のおっさんです。

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