本日 ( 2023年 6月 11日 日曜日 ) のウェザーニュース Evening で、明日からテレビ、地上波で放送が始めるウェザーニュースアプリの CMの先行お披露目が行われていました。昨年は Moonが始まる直前だったか開始早々だったか、20時頃にお披露目をしておりましたが、今日は 18時過ぎぐらいだったかな? お披露目が行われました。昨年は平日で今年は日曜日だからこういう時間帯になったのかな? 今日は 18時 55分ごろに北海道と青森県で地震が観測され、緊急地震速報も出されたようなので、結果として 20時頃ではなく夕方に CM先行お披露目ができてよかったですよね。
昨年は声優さん、もはやレジェンドクラスのお二人でしたが、今年は広瀬すず様が起用されていますね。個人的に WBSという報道番組というか経済ニュースを時々視聴している私としては広瀬すず様というと、三井のすずちゃんがパッと思い浮かんでしまうのです。WBSのスポンサーの CMですからね。明日からは三井のすずちゃんとウェザーニュースのすずちゃんと両方のイメージになりそうです。
ちなみに CMはウェザーニュースの YouTube動画ですでに配信済のようなので、下に貼っておきます。縮小したサイズで貼っていますので悪しからず。また、こういう CMは期間限定というか契約期間中のみでしょうから、日数が経過していてすでに視聴できなくなっている場合はご容赦ください。
7本も CMがあるのですね。ウェザニューズ社がどの番組のスポンサーかわからないので、地上波でこの CMを見る機会が何回あるのかわかりませんが、地上波の CMで、この 7種類の CMすべてを見ることは無いと思いますので、一気に見られてよかったですね。ミュージカルってほどではありませんが、今度からウェザーニュースというときは、ちょっと歌っているような感じのこのイントネーションで「ウェザーニュース」ってつい言ってしまいそうですね。今日休みでたまたまですがお披露目会を視聴することができて運が良かったのかな。
この CMは 7話仕立ての物語のようになっているのでしょうか? どこか出かける前に喫茶店に入ったら雨が降ってきて、その雨があがってこれから出かけるという感じなのかな? 地上波でこの CMをみたら、「あっ、これは、今から晴れるよ!」だ。なんて少し嬉しくなって視聴していることでしょう。
Including this green text, the following text is a translation of the Japanese article above, done by Using an Internet translation service. There may be parts that have a different meaning in the translation. I apologize for any such instances.
Weathernews TVCM 2023
Today (Sunday, June 11, 2023), during the Weathernews Evening segment, the preview of the TV commercial for the Weathernews app, which will start airing on television and terrestrial broadcasting from tomorrow, was revealed in advance. Last year, the preview was held around 8 p.m., either just before Moon started or at the beginning of the program. Today, it was around 6 p.m., if I recall correctly. Perhaps it was scheduled during this time because last year it was on a weekday and this year it falls on a Sunday? Around 6:55 p.m. today, there was an earthquake observed in Hokkaido and Aomori Prefecture, and an emergency earthquake alert was issued. So, it turned out to be a good thing that the CM preview was held in the evening rather than around 8 p.m.
Last year, we had two voice actors who were already legends, but this year, we have the lovely Suzu Hirose appearing in the Weathernews TVCM. Personally, as someone who occasionally watches the economic news program called WBS, when I hear Suzu Hirose‘s name, I immediately think of Mitsui’s Suzu-chan. It’s because she appears in the commercials sponsored by WBS. Starting tomorrow, it seems like I’ll have both the image of Mitsui’s Suzu-chan and Weathernews’ Suzu-chan in my mind.
By the way, the CM is already available for streaming on the Weathernews YouTube channel, so I’ll provide the link below. Please note that the video is in a reduced size. Also, this kind of CM is usually limited to a specific period or during the contract period, so if it has been a while and the video is no longer accessible, please understand.
Starring Suzu Hirose – “Forecast Accuracy No.1!” Edition / Weathernews TVCM ①
Starring Suzu Hirose – “The Most Accurate App” Edition / Weathernews TVCM ②
Starring Suzu Hirose – “Japan’s Largest Weather Company” Edition / Weathernews TVCM ③
Starring Suzu Hirose – “Reporting Weather Becomes Forecast” Edition / Weathernews TVCM ④
Starring Suzu Hirose – “When is ‘Sometimes’?” Edition / Weathernews TVCM ⑤
Starring Suzu Hirose – “I’m Over Here!” Edition / Weathernews TVCM ⑥
Starring Suzu Hirose – “It’s Going to Clear Up Now!” Edition / Weathernews TVCM ⑦
Oh, there are even seven commercials. Since I don’t know which TV programs Weathernews sponsors, I’m not sure how many times I’ll have the opportunity to see these commercials on terrestrial TV. Considering that it’s unlikely to see all seven types of commercials during the terrestrial broadcast, it was great to be able to watch them all at once. It’s not quite like a musical, but from now on, whenever I mention Weathernews, I have a feeling I might unintentionally say it with this intonation that feels like I’m singing, like “Weathernews.” Today happened to be my day off, and it was just a coincidence that I could watch the unveiling event. I wonder if I was lucky.
Is this commercial structured like a 7-episode story? Perhaps it portrays a situation where someone enters a café before going somewhere, and then it starts raining, but the rain stops just as they are about to leave. If I were to see this commercial on terrestrial TV, I might think, “Ah, this is ‘It’s going to clear up now!'” and feel a little delighted while watching it.