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そうだ 東京行こう!

 七夕の 1日前のこと、この日はお休みでした。この日の朝に衝動的に思ったわけではなく 2日前にふと思ったのですが、『明後日は休みだな。久しぶりに東京に行こうかな』と…。




 衝動的な感じで東京に行ったわけですが、用事があるわけでもないので、どうするか? ということですが、以前ウェザーニュースLiVEで大島璃音キャスターが気象科学館に行った話をされていたので、一度行ってみたいなと思っていたので、ひとまずそこに行くというのは決めておりました。あと、ウェザーニュースLiVEでいうと、秋葉原にあるこまき食堂というところを見ておきたいと思っていたので、その 2か所には寄るつもりでした。


 東京駅に降り立つのは何年ぶりだろう? おそらく 5年以上ぶりのはず。私の記憶では 2019年の夏に福島競馬場に行くために新幹線に乗って以来の新幹線の乗車ですが、2019年の夏の時は東京駅では、老獪同新幹線から東北新幹線に乗り換えただけで東京駅を下車していなかったはずですから。


 一応事前にインターネットで調べていたのですが、東京メトロも線が入り乱れていて大変。まぁお目当ての虎ノ門ヒルズ駅には銀座で乗り換えて迷うことなく行けたのですが、そこからA1もしくはA2の出口から行くということは調べていたのですが、何やら工事中などもあってとくわからない。ひとまず方向的にこっちのいはずと進んでいくと、みなと科学館、気象科学館が右折したところにあるという案内表示を見かけて無事に到着。どうやら 1階がみなと科学館で 2階が気象科学館になっているようです。なお、事前にインターネットで気象科学館のウェブサイトをチェックしたのですが、管内は撮影OKということだったので、すべての展示を写真に収めることはできませんでしたが、いくつか撮影いたしました。


 これは、昨年 5月に特番で山口気象予報士が作成解説していた転倒ます型の雨量計なのかな、と思いつつ見てました。見ただけ実際に水を入れたりはしませんでした。


 風向風速計もありました。展示内で実際に風を吹かせるとかいうのはさすがに無かったです。なお展示ブースを見たり、実際に触れたりするのは無料でした。たまたま到着して展示を一通り見たら、プラネタリウム開始の15分前だったので、思い出 ( ? ) にプラネタリウムも見ました。

 そしていよいよ秋葉原へ。九段下駅から東京メトロに乗って向かうのですが、最初に乗った東西線だったかな? いきなり反対方面の電車に乗ってしまうというミスをしでかすのでした。これが大阪メトロなど地の利があれば、『めんどうだからあの駅まで乗ってあの線に乗り換えて行けばいいか』となるのかもしれませんが、そういうのがわからないので、下りて反対方面の電車に乗り直しました。まぁ、先程の話ですが、地の利があれな反対方面の電車に間違えて乗ったりすることは無いのかな。




 残念ながら準備中でした。まぁ、営業中だったとしても店内に入って食事を摂ることはなかったのですが。それにしても肝心な写真 ( ? ) がブレていますね。がっかりです。


 こまき食堂を探すのに手間取ってしまったこともあって、ちょっと時間が経過してしまいましたが、まだまだ明るい時間帯だし秋葉原の街を少し彷徨うことも考えましたが、暑さもあって疲労感もあったので、「飯でも食って帰るか」という気持ちになってしまいました。で、ひとまず東京駅まで出たのですが、とくに何か食べたいというのもなくて結局は新幹線のホームに向かいました。京都、大阪あらりに 19時 30分から21時 30分ぐらいに到着ののぞみ号やひかり号って混雑しそうだったので…。


 というわけで、すっかりウェザーニュースLiVE の影響を受けている私ですが、たまにはふらりと旅行を楽しむのもいいですよね。
Including this green text, the following text is a translation of the Japanese article above, done by Using an Internet translation service. There may be parts that have a different meaning in the translation. I apologize for any such instances.

That’s right, let’s go to Tokyo!

The day before Tanabata, I had a day off. It wasn’t an impulsive thought in the morning of that day, but rather two days before when I suddenly thought, “I have a day off the day after tomorrow. Maybe I should go to Tokyo for a change”…
Whether it was because I wanted to go to Tokyo or simply felt like riding the Shinkansen, I suddenly thought about it. On the 6th, although it wasn’t early in the morning, I headed towards Shin-Osaka Station.


There was news a while ago about a trial of a man who brandished a knife in a train in Tokyo, so I was a bit concerned. With the ongoing COVID-19 situation, there had been a long period where I couldn’t travel freely, and that had made me impatient. By the way, when I used to travel to Tokyo by Shinkansen, I often took the Nozomi train, but on this day, I took the Hikari train for the first time in a while.


It was my first time in a while riding the Hikari train, but we had to wait for the Nozomi train to pass at three stations, so it took about 20 minutes longer to reach Tokyo compared to when I was on the Nozomi train. Well, I can think of it as enjoying the Shinkansen ride for a longer time after a long time.
I impulsively decided to go to Tokyo, even though I didn’t have any specific plans. I was wondering what to do, but I remembered that Oshima Rinon, the weathercaster on Weather News LiVE, had talked about visiting the Meteorological Science Museum. I had been wanting to go there, so I made up my mind to visit that place for now. Also, in Weather News LiVE, they mentioned a restaurant called Komaki Shokudo in Akihabara, and I wanted to check it out too. So, I planned to visit those two places.


How many years has it been since I last set foot in Tokyo Station? It must have been over five years. As far as I remember, the last time I took the Shinkansen was in the summer of 2019 when I went to Fukushima Racecourse. However, back then, at Tokyo Station, I only transferred from the Nozomi Shinkansen to the Tohoku Shinkansen without actually getting off at Tokyo Station.


I had checked on the internet beforehand, but the Tokyo Metro is quite complicated with its intersecting lines. Well, I was able to transfer at Ginza and easily reach my destination, Toranomon Hills Station. From there, I had looked up that I should go through Exit A1 or A2, but there seemed to be some construction going on, and it was a bit confusing. I decided to go in a direction that seemed right, and I saw signs indicating that the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation and the Museum of Maritime Science were located after making a right turn. I arrived there safely. It appears that the first floor is the Museum of Maritime Science, while the second floor is the Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. I had checked the website of the Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in advance, and it stated that photography is allowed inside, so although I couldn’t capture every exhibit, I managed to take some photos.


As I was watching, I wondered if this is the tipping-bucket rain gauge that Yamaguchi, the weather forecaster, created and explained in a special program last May. I just observed it and didn’t actually fill it with water.


There was also an anemometer. However, there wasn’t an opportunity to actually make the wind blow inside the exhibit. It was free to view the exhibition booths and interact with them. By chance, when I arrived and finished seeing the exhibits, it was 15 minutes before the start of the planetarium show, so I decided to watch it as well as a memory(?).
Since the story has already become lengthy, I will make a separate article on another occasion to write about the experience of watching the planetarium.
Since I came all the way to Tokyo, I didn’t want to return to Kansai so soon, so I decided to visit Yasukuni Shrine before going to Akihabara. I plan to write about my visit to Yasukuni Shrine on another site’s blog, so I will omit it from this blog.

And finally, off to Akihabara. I took the Tokyo Metro from Kudanshita Station, but I made a mistake right from the start. I believe it was the Tozai Line that I initially boarded. I ended up getting on a train going in the opposite direction. If I were familiar with the Osaka Metro or had a better understanding of the layout, I might have thought, “I’ll just ride to that station and transfer to that line.” However, since I didn’t know, I got off and switched to the train going in the opposite direction. Well, it’s a story from earlier, but I wonder if it’s impossible to make a mistake like boarding a train going in the opposite direction when you have local knowledge.
Well, after all that, I arrived at Akihabara Station, but it was different from the JR stations I’m used to. It seems that the first exit I took was in the opposite direction from my intended destination. I walked for a bit and was afraid of getting lost in a lonely place that didn’t seem like the electric town, so I decided to go back to the station. From there, I still couldn’t figure out the exact location and wandered around aimlessly, wasting more than 30 minutes. But then, I spotted the Komaki Shokudo’s banner flag.


Ah, here it is. When I saw it on the internet, it seemed like a vegetarian restaurant, but it didn’t give off the vibe of a place where I could casually dine alone, so I hadn’t considered going inside for a meal. However, I decided to take a peek.


Unfortunately, it was under preparation. Well, even if it had been open, I wouldn’t have gone inside to have a meal. But still, the important photo seems to be blurry. It’s disappointing.


After struggling to find Komaki Shokudo, some time had passed, and it was still a bright time of the day. I considered wandering around Akihabara for a bit, but it was hot and I felt tired, so I thought, “Let’s grab a bite to eat and head back.” So, I made my way to Tokyo Station for the time being. I didn’t particularly have a craving for anything to eat, so in the end, I headed towards the Shinkansen platform. The Nozomi and Hikari trains to Kyoto and Osaka seemed to be crowded between around 19:30 and 21:30, so I thought it would be best to avoid them.


By the way, I couldn’t see the beautiful Mount Fuji on both the journey there and back. Come to think of it, I realized I have never seen Mount Fuji while riding the Shinkansen.
So, as you can see, I am greatly influenced by Weather News Live. But it’s nice to occasionally enjoy a spontaneous trip, isn’t it?

藤島 士半

酒とギャンブルに溺れる、関西にひっそりと生息する 50代のおっさんです。

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