今月は、1日に最低 1記事は書くぞ! とがんばってきました。なんとか達成できました。
このサイトを開設して以来、ブログを毎日投稿できた月は今月が初めてだと思います。ただ 1日に 2記事以上投稿している日もあるので、先月以前の過去のブログでも、一か月の総記事数が 31記事を超えた月はあったと思いますが…。
来月以降は、1日 1記事には拘らないでぼちぼち書いていくつもりですが、できるだけブログの記事は更新したいと思います。
Including this green text, the following text is a translation of the Japanese article above, done by Using an Internet translation service. There may be parts that have a different meaning in the translation. I apologize for any such instances.
This month…
This month, I made a commitment to write at least one article per day, and I worked hard to achieve it. I managed to accomplish it somehow. Since starting this website, I think this is the first month where I was able to post a blog every day. However, there were also days when I posted more than two articles, so I think there were months in the past, before last month, where the total number of articles exceeded 31.
There were some articles where I prioritized writing them so much that I thought to myself, “If it’s just that kind of content, I could have simply tweeted it on Twitter instead.”
From next month onwards, I don’t plan to strictly adhere to one article per day and instead write at my own pace. However, I do intend to update the blog articles as much as possible.